Courtney's parents were coming to town and we were both so excited! we had all of these fun activities of them was to take them to temple square to see the lights. we were running a little late that night, and to make things worse we got stuck in traffic in salt lake. the lights turn off each night at 10 pm and lets just say we had a few minutes to get there, park and walk around... it was an intense few minutes. we ended up dropping her parents off (aka telling them to get out of the car in the middle of an intersection while traffic was waiting for us) and then court and i went on to park illegally, sprint through the streets of salt lake, and get to temple square with only a few minutes to spare and see the lights.
victory. it was a lot of work... why is it that we are training for a marathon and still feel out of shape?
people thought we were so weird when we asked them to take this picture. they had no idea what we had been through...

courts parents didnt believe us when we were complaining about how cold it was in utah. now they did...
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