Nikki turned 22 this year. As the eldest of our apartment, I'd really expect her to be setting a better example for Ashlee and I. But no...instead she goes around initiating this kind of immature behavior and Ashlee and I follow suit trusting that, as our elder, she knows best.

Though Nikki technically didn't come up with Ash's prego belly pose, I'm sure she's still somehow indirectly responsible for it.

The only way Ashlee and I were able to put a stop to all this immaturity was by luring her away with her birthday present.

Nothing gets Nikki excited like huggable hangers! (Except pretend balloon implants, but we won't bring that incident up again.)

In all seriousness though, I can attribute my survival of this last year to her friendship. I have watched a dramatic transformation in Nikki from the reserved and slightly anti-social girl she moved in as to the life of the party she is now. While I'd love to hold myself responsible for her change, I think she's been the one inspiring change in me. Nikki hasn't just helped me through the tough times, she's carried me. And, she's kept me extremely entertained the whole time. I refer to our time together as a series of adventures because that is exactly what it has been. I've always prided myself in being the least easily influenced of most anyone I know. And yet, Nikki has managed to spend her time as my roommate convincing me to hike at 3 am, ride themed trains intended for children, run marathons, eat practically vegetarian, cook, travel, and so on and so forth...and the craziest part is that she never actually even attempts any convincing! Of most value to me though is her spiritual strength. I am a better person since becoming her friend.
Roommate, Friend, Life Companion, thanks for making this roller coaster of a year such a pleasant ride!
- Father
You guys crack me up!! Its always fun and entertaining when you're around!