Shortly after my graduation I took my roommates back home with me for a little tour of southern (and central) California.
Day 1 of our California getaway --- FRESNO ZOO! I know what you're thinking...why of all places in California would I drag my roommates 2 hours North to Fresno?
Well, aside from the obvious incentive of this great photo op by the "Fresno Chaffee Zoo," my sister Michelle and her family live there.

There are two elephants in featured in this picture. Figure it out.

Check out the wing span on this guy...(insert growling sound).

This is back at my sister's place where we watched "Wow Wow Wubsy" at least three times.
"If you fall on your rear, don't shed a tear, just ask for a little help." - a very profound lesson we learned from Wubsy the bunny

Day 2 --- SANTA MONICA!!!
While lying out on the beach in our swimsuits, enjoying the warmth that Provo had been depriving us for the last 6 months, a few emo teenagers fully dressed in their skinny jeans and sweatshirts shouted "Later Barbies" as they went walking past. Back off emotionally overcharged teenagers, it's not everyday we're surrounded by sand and sunshine!

Ashlee likes to do wardrobe changes mid-day. It makes her feel like a celebrity.

Day 3 --- DISNEYLAND!!!
Sadly, after about 6 attempts at this, this is the best we could come up with.

This was at some Innoventions exhibit Ashlee somehow convinced us to check out. The weird exhibit led to boredom and boredom led to riding the cannon bed like a bull. It was all fun and games until one of the workers walked in.

DAY 4 (part 1) --- NEWPORT BEACH!
It was a little chilly, but we didn't let that get us down.

Day 4 (part 2) --- CALIFORNIA ADVENTURE!!!
Just enjoying the view. And so should you.

Day 5 (part 1) --- HOLLYWOOD
Here we were trying to imitate the Hooters worker in the window who's butt was hanging out for all the world to see.
Please note the "Kids Eat Free all day Sunday" sign. What they fail to mention is that there is actually a hidden fee of your child's virtue.

This is where our - not looking at the camera after asking strangers take your picture - game started. So much more entertaining than regular pictures.

Day 5 (part 2) --- BEVERLY HILLS! I promised Ashlee palm trees and I always come through (tenfold) on my promises.

A visit to Beverly Hills means a visit to Sprinkles cupcake. I'm surprised we were patient enough to snap a picture before biting in.

Day 5 (part 3) --- DODGER GAME!!! It wouldn't be a tour of LA without a stop at Dodger's Stadium.
And it wouldn't be a dodger game without tickets in the left pavilion with all the heckling cholos that you bought off scalpers. My favorite line I heard shouted at the outfielders that night... "Your sex life is boring!" I give the guy points for creativity and boldness.

Sadly our departure from Dodger stadium marked our departure from sunny California. The next morning it was back to Provo. If it weren't for Ra Sushi to look forward to on the drive home, I'm not sure we would have ever left that paradise.
- Cooh