This year Nikki, Ashlee, and I waited until a couple days before Halloween to decide on our costumes but our final product was well worth the wait. Last minute Nikki was inspired with the idea of
black widow spiders and, with her brilliant brainstorming and my crafty creativity, we put together (as in hand made) the following outfits:
Thats right, we busted out the needle and thread for these babies and I'm sure you'd all agree that it was time well spent. Don't worry about the's a spider thing...

We treated our guests to a little pumpkin carving, sugar cookie frosting,
Hocus Pocus watching, and, in typical 141 fashion, lots and lots of sweet consuming.

Some of our favorite lady friends were there helping us celebrate.

As was our favorite guy friend. He's the only man with guaranteed immunity from our "black widow-effect." We love him too much to cause him any harm. Can't say the same for the rest of the male species...

It was all fun and games till someone busted out the can of Raid.
Socially, it was a success - tons of people, treats, and dancing. Physically, it was a disaster. We loaded ourselves up with junk food and partied until 1am when we had to be up at 6am the next morning for a half-marathon. Oh to be young, single, and completely irresponsible :)
- Cooh
Apparently Nikki would like you all to see this lovely photo as well seeing as she added it to my post...